CUT recognizes the need for an integrated approach to advancing sustainable development as both an organisational and academic commitment informed by its core values of ubuntu, integrity, diversity, innovation and excellence. Our commitment therefore is to work towards achieving sustainability on our campuses in our day-to-day activities, teaching and learning, research, community engagement, operations and student life. We encourage you to learn more about CUT`s commitment to sustainability through the information presented on this page.

The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)  to transform our world

In 2023, we are at the midpoint of the SDGs (established in 2016), and the goals are set for achievement in 2030.

Each goal below is linked to the UN SDG to keep updated and to grow our understanding of the intent of each.

For more information visit, UN SDGs Action Campaign

Contributions and Activities at CUT

CUT aspires to have sustainable development as a central characteristic of our university.

Units and Centres

Unit for Lean Construction and Sustainability (ULCS)

Unit for Sustainable Water and Environment (USWE)

Centre for Sustainable Smart Cities 4.0

Centre for Applied Food Security and –Biotechnology (CAFSaB)

Support Services

Estates and Infrastructure

Risk Management and Strategic Projects

Sustainable Projects and Activities

CUT Solar Plant

The solar panels ground-mounted on 8m high masts. The project is in partnership with Karah Assets and the research being conducted extends to temperature and irradiation monitoring. The purpose thereof is generating power but also training employees and students involved in the project.

Watch the timelapse video of the panels following the sun.

Academic Projects

CUT e-Waste Plant

Operational e-waste plant at the Bloemfontein Campus.

How is South Africa doing?

Explore the SDG data for South Africa and learn about the policies and efforts made to reach the goals by 2030.

Uploaded: 05 July 2024