The CUT’s Risk Management and Strategic Projects Section’s (RMSP) primary function is enterprise risk management and its units support the achievement of the university objectives with responsibilities for enterprise risk management, compliance management, business continuity management, insurance, ethics and investigations, strategic projects as well as health, safety, environmental sustainability.

Risk Management Unit

The objective of the Risk Management Unit is to enhance the risk maturity level of the university through improving the risk management processes. The unit assists and supports the university to accomplish its objectives by providing reasonable assurance regarding the effectiveness of risk management processes within the university. The involvement of stakeholders, training and communication are key imperatives to facilitate integrated risk management.

Risk management is everyone’s responsibility; therefore, the successful implementation of risk management programme relies on the contribution of CUT stakeholders. The risk management unit is working closely with other assurance providers to enable an effective control environment and support the integrity of information used for decision-making. 

Compliance Management Unit

The compliance management unit aims to enhance the compliance maturity level of the university and provide guidance for the management of compliance risk in a manner that is consistent with the enterprise risk management guiding documents. The unit promotes compliance with applicable laws and adopted, non-binding rules, codes and standards, as well as assists in the fostering of a compliance culture within the university. This includes the promotion of a culture that engenders an awareness and recognition of the value of compliance risk management, monitoring and reporting as part of daily business activities.

The compliance unit continues to improve on its advisory role with an intense focus on compliance monitoring and closer cooperation with business units within the university.

Business Continuity Management Unit

The Business Continuity Management (BCM) aims to provides measures for building organisational resilience and the capability of an effective response that safeguards the interests of the organisation’s stakeholders, reputation, brand and value-creating activities. The function provides support to the university in identifying its critical activities as well as the ability for building resilience within the agreed recovery times as per the business continuity imperatives.  

Ethics and Investigations Unit

The unit advocates the practice of ethical leadership and for the governing body to govern the ethics of the organisation in a way that supports the establishment of an ethical culture. The unit conducts investigations, promotes good ethical conduct and protection of whistle-blowers, as well as contributes to the prevention of crime and security breaches in the University. Those charged with governance, management, employees and students are expected to operate to high moral, ethical and legal standards that form collectively the code of ethics. 

Insurance Unit

The insurance unit seeks to protect the university’s assets against any loss or damage as a result of the occurrence of different events that might hinder the achievement of the university’s set objectives. The Insurance function endeavours to ensure compliance with the insurance policy and procedure and facilitate adequate insurance coverage for the university. The unit facilitates processing of various claims including those related to vehicle accidents/incidents, stolen assets, incidents during riots, work integrated learning (WIL) and official travel. 

Strategic Projects Unit

The unit is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of strategic projects and ensure that projects are executed at the expected quality, within the budget and on time to promote the achievement of the strategic goals of the University. Strategic projects unit endeavors to ensure effective project management principles are observed.

Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability Unit

Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability unit identifies and assesses health, safety and environmental hazards / risks and puts in place controls to prevent injury and ill health. The unit further provides clear instructions to employees and students regarding safe working procedures. The unit continuously provides competent advice and support to all stakeholders on implementation of Occupational health and safety management system (OH&SMS), promotes adherence to health, safety and environmental legislation and standards to ensure that the university’s strategic goals are achieved. The unit also strives towards environmental sustainability which forms part of the University’s vision 2030. With this vision in mind, the unit with regard to the environmental sustainability aims for a variety of measures such as natural resource conservation, change to alternative / renewable energy and waste management efficiency enhancement.

Combined Assurance

The section coordinates combined assurance at the university, which is based on the five lines of assurance approach. The combined assurance model is designed and implemented to effectively address the organisation’s significant risks and material matters through incorporation of the relevant assurance functions and services. This serves to enable an effective control environment; support the integrity of information used for decision-making and support the integrity of the organisation’s stakeholder reports.

Uploaded: 01 February 2024
Chief Risk Officer
  • Mothudi Tshepo
  • Tel: +27 (0)51 507 4350
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Administrative Coordinator
  • Kobi Sadi
  • Tel: +27 (0)51 507 3040
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Manager: Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability
  • Mareko Moses
  • Tel: +27 (0)51 507 4245
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Investigations Specialist
  • Sofonia David
  • Tel: +27 (0)51 507 3403
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Strategic Projects Coordinator
  • Seseane Tumelo
  • Tel: +27 (0)51 507 4323
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Manager: Risk Management / Compliance/ Business Continuity Management
  • Moeketsi Lebo
  • Tel: +27 (0)51 507 4305
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Officer: Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainabilityjavascript:;
  • Mokgobo Vinolia
  • Tel: +27 (0)51 507 3401
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Officer: Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability (Welkom Campus)
  • Lebohang Mosuoane
  • Tel: +27(0)57 910 3511
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Officer : Admin / Insurance
  • Lane Amanda
  • Tel: +27 (0)51 507 3291
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Risk Officer
  • Matheatsie Katlego
  • Tel: +27 (0)51 507 4405
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