Should you require any further information or assistance please do not hesitate to contact our NBT helpdesk, | Telephone: 021 650 3523

Visit the NBT website regularly to check when tests open and register to write. Go to

NBT is compulsory in all South African universities.

The National Benchmark Tests (NBTs) are assessments for first-year applicants into higher education institutions. The NBTs were designed to measure a writer’s ability to transfer understanding of Academic Literacy, Quantitative Literacy and Mathematics to the demands of tertiary coursework. The National Benchmark Tests comprise three multiple choice tests, written as a combined Academic Literacy and Quantitative Literacy (AQL) test, and a separate Mathematics test. The AQL is a three-hour test that consists of an Academic Literacy (AL) section and a Quantitative Literacy (QL) section. The results of the two sections of the test are recorded separately. The second test is Mathematics (MAT), which is also multiple-choice and three hours in duration.

The Academic Literacy (AL) test targets a writer’s capacity to engage successfully with the demands of academic study in the medium of instruction of the test.

The Quantitative Literacy (QL) test targets a writer’s ability to manage situations or solve problems in a real context that is relevant to higher education study, using basic quantitative information that may be presented verbally, graphically, or in tabular or symbolic form.

The Cognitive Academic Mathematics Proficiency Test (CAMP) is a three-hour test that targets a writer’s ability related to mathematical concepts formally regarded as part of the secondary school curriculum (Mathematics Papers 1 and 2) relevant for Higher Education studies.

2020 NBT online

Although the NBTs address content typically taught in secondary school, they provide different and complementary information to the ”school-leaving” examinations. CUT uses the NBT results in addition to school academic performance and examination results for placement in development courses, extended programmes, or for identifying other additional academic support.

It should be noted that all new first-year students at CUT should have written the National Benchmark Test (NBT) before registration. All faculties’ applicants should have written the Academic and Quantitative Literacy Test. Applicants to the Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences, the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology and some departments of the Faculty of Humanities should also have written the Mathematics test. Costs for these tests are for the prospective students’ account. Prospective students are advised to obtain information about the centres closest to their homes, as well as the dates on which these tests will be conducted. CUT will also serve as one of the centres.

Applicants should register for a test date at least a month prior to the scheduled test. Seats are limited at venues. If one does not register and pay for the test(s) in advance, one may not be allowed to write on the test date. 

The applicant only needs to write the test once, even if they are applying to more than one university. All universities to which one apply will be able to access the applicant’s test results. CUT applicants are advised to write the test between June and September.

NBTP makes provision for writers with disabilities, which are facilitated by the Unit for Students with Special Needs. Writers who require to be accommodated during an examination on account of a disability can contact the NBT call centre (021-6503523) to request a form that has to be submitted three weeks prior to the selected test date. We have successfully accommodated writers who are:

  • blind (e.g. using the jaws computer programme and/or braille);
  • visually impaired (e.g. large print);
  • hearing impaired;
  • mobility/physically impaired;
  • have any specific learning disability (i.e. dyslexia, extra time, need a scribe); or
  • have any chronic illness that require special accommodation.

Candidates with a specific learning disability with impairment in reading and who qualify for a reader for the National Benchmark Tests, should note that the universities to which they apply may not provide such accommodating measures. It is in the interest of candidates to enquire in advance what each university’s policy is regarding the provision of readers.

NBT contact information: Tel: +27 (0)21 650 3523 |

You may register online or by telephone.

  1. Register online at After reading the general information and the FAQs, select the ”Register to Write“ tab and follow all instructions. Note that you will need your SA identity document or passport in order to register.
  2. If you encounter problems during the registration process, call 021-650-3523 or send an e-mail to for assistance. The NBT project is staffed from 08:00 to 18:00 weekdays and from 07:30 to 11:30 on national test days.

Venue: What should you take to the tests?

  • Your identity book or passport
  • Lunch (not all centres are close to shops)
  • HB pencil and eraser
  • Bus/train/taxi fare for returning home

Please note that you will not be allowed to use calculators in any of the tests.

Online: Test Rules and Instruction Manual

  1. NBT Online Test Rules and Requirements (PDF)
  2. Instruction manual for online NBT (PDF)

Approximately two weeks after you have written the tests, you may access your results on the NBT website. Log on using your unique NBT reference number or your South African ID Number.

Tel: +27 (0)21 650 3523 | E-mail: |

Applicants must have written the applicable National Benchmark Tests (NBTs) by no later than 31st December of each year.

Please note: All information above is subject to CUT’s admission policy and procedure. This document is for information purposes only.

Uploaded: 03 February 2023
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