
Prof. P Dube

Portfolio: Chairperson of Management Committee

Occupation: Vice-Chancellor and Principal

Qualifications: PhD (Siegen), BA Hons (UKZN)

Dr SM Dzingwa

Portfolio: Secretary of Management Committee

 Occupation: Institutional Registrar

Qualifications: PhD (UKZN)

Prof. AB Ngowi

Occupation: Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation and Engagement

Qualifications: Qualifications: PhD (Wits), MSc (Chalmers), BSc (UDSM), Pr CPM (SA), MBIE (BW), MCIOB
Pr Tech Eng, MIEEE



Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Resources and Operations

Prof. DP Ngidi

Occupation: Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching and Learning

Qualifications: MEd (Unisa), DEd (UZ), Cert Project Management (Boston)

Mr M Nemutshili           

Occupation: Chief Financial Officer

Qualifications: BComm (Vista), SMDP (Wits), Professional Accountant (SA) SAIPA

Prof. S Makola

Occupation: Senior Manager in charge of the Welkom campus (Director: Welkom Campus)

Qualifications: BA Hons (Vista), MA (Wits), PhD (UFS)

In attendance

Prof. M Masinde

Occupation: Acting Dean: Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Prof.  SS Mashele

Occupation: Dean: Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences

Prof. W Setlalentoa

Occupation: Dean: Faculty of Humanities

Prof. AJ Strydom

Occupation: Dean: Faculty of Management Science

Mr T Mothudi

Occupation: Chief Risk Officer


Occupation: Chief Audit Executive

Mr N Ndawo

Occupation: Senior Director: Estates and Infrastructure

Ms R Jacobs

Occupation: Senior Director: Human Resources

Ms K Mageza

Occupation: Senior Director: Legal Services


Occupation: Executive Director: Office of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal

Mr D Maritz

Occupation: Director: Communications and Marketing

Ms B Matube

Occupation: Senior Director: ICT and Chief Digital Officer


Occupation: Dean: Student Affairs

Uploaded: 14 April 2024
CUT Prof OJ (Jaco) Gericke

CUT Prof OJ (Jaco) Gericke

Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology CUT News

Jaco Gericke is an NRF C2-rated researcher and experienced Professional Engineer registered with the...

CUT Celebrates Mandela Day with Ihobe Primary School and Lenyora La Thuto Secondary School

CUT Celebrates Mandela Day with Ihobe Primary School and Lenyora La Thuto Secondary School

CUT News

At Lenyora La Thuto Secondary School, the CUT librarians undertook a similar initiative, arranging library...

CUT Department of Health Sciences donate 80 laboratory coats to Lenyora la Thuto Secondary School in celebration of Mandela Day

CUT Department of Health Sciences donate 80 laboratory coats to Lenyora la Thuto Secondary School in celebration of Mandela Day

Health and Environmental Sciences CUT News

Front row: Grade 10 -12 learners, with their educators, Mr. MO Dale, Mrs. Celeste Mc Pherson, Ms. KK...