Technology Transfer Office

The TTO was an office established by NIPMO at the CUT in 2009 following the enactment of the IPR Act of 2008 which governs Intellectual Property that flows from publicly financed Research and Development (R&D).

The following functions form part of the TTO:

  1. IP management and administration
  2. Technology commercialisation (licensing and spin-outs)
  3. Technology Transfer advocacy and awareness
  4. Contracts and agreements management
  5. Supporting researchers.


There are two primary goals in addition to the commercialisation of completed research that CUT is striving for in terms of innovation, namely support with the establishment of new enterprises by Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMME’s) – both on and off campus – and assistance to corporate entities with the development of new products and processes. Lastly the unit is also taking part, on behalf of CUT, in the support of the Free State Provincial Government’s Regional Innovation Centre with the aim of improving the standard of living of the inhabitants of the province.


The Central University of Technology is the leading South African University in the application of medical 3D printing, also known as medical additive manufacturing. 3D Printing is the consecutive layer-by-layer process where powder or liquid material is bonded together to form a three-dimensional part.

For South Africa to compete internationally, the local medical device industry needs to be supplemented with the latest technology, infrastructure, expertise and skills. This can be aided by a technology demonstrator for additive manufacturing of medical devices (MedAdd).

The MedAdd will serve as a Corporate Social Investment strategy for the DSI through the CUT to assist people who are in need of advanced medical solutions with the aid of medical 3D printing to improve their health and quality of life.


The Centre for Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing (CRPM) at Central University of Technology, Free State (CUT) specializes in Additive Manufacturing (AM), better known as 3D printing. The CRPM was established 1997 as a centre for commercial work as well as research using Rapid Prototyping, Rapid Manufacturing, Rapid Tooling and Medical Product Development technologies. The centre has established CUT as a Additive Manufacturing university.


The Product Development Technology Station (PDTS) is involved in product design, prototyping and short run production. We develop new ideas into products, or improve existing products with detailed engineering, in this way we support businesses and individuals through the entire new product development process.

Fablab (Makerspace)

The Fablab is the makerspace at CUT, where you can transform your idea into a prototype.

The Fablab has multiple 3D Printers, Lasercutter, Vinyl cutting and general power tools available, additionally there are also high-powered desktop PC's to allow for computer aided design (CAD).

At the Fablab you work on the machines yourself, there are technical assistants to guide you and show you if you need help.

Idea Generator (i-GYM)

Education in innovation and entrepreneurship has become part of Universities of Technologies (UoTs) with the aim of turning more graduates from job seekers into job creators.

The Idea Generator was officially launched on 31 March 2017, with the intention of introducing a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among the CUT community.

The Idea Generator offers a developmental hub where students, staff as well as the public, with the assistance of experts and lecturers develop their innovative ideas, projects and products into products that can be commercialised.

Innovative Ideas are the pipeline to CUT units such as PDTS, CRPM, FabLab, CUTis and the Technology Transfer Office, who are leaders in prototyping, research and business development.

Uploaded: 05 July 2024

Vision 2030
What is a University of Technology?
CUT at a Glance
Sustainable Development

Technology Transfer Office (TTO)
Fablab (Makerspace)
Centre for Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing (CRPM)
Product Development Technology Station (PDTS)
i-Gym (Idea Generator)

NRF Rated Researchers

Upcoming Events

CUT is leading the way in addressing road infrastructure challenges in the Free State Province and discussions are underway for expansion

CUT is leading the way in addressing road infrastructure challenges in the Free State Province and discussions are underway for expansion

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Prof. Muthoni Masinde, Dean: Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology, the...

CUT researchers address societal challenges at the 27th Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology Annual Research Seminar

CUT researchers address societal challenges at the 27th Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology Annual Research Seminar

Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology CUT News Research and Innovation

Researchers and students at the 27th Annual Research Seminar.  The Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment...

CUT’s Faculty of Management Sciences launches Artificial Intelligence for the World of Work

CUT’s Faculty of Management Sciences launches Artificial Intelligence for the World of Work

Management Sciences CUT News Research and Innovation

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