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The Department of Civil Engineering provide students with the best possible experience that will enable them to meet the challenges posed in Civil Engineering within the South African context for the new millennium. The qualification is also designed to add value to the qualifying student in terms of personal enrichment, as well as status and recognition. Graduates from this department are in great demand due to the practice-oriented nature of courses as well as the theoretical component.
Projects and Research Group
Soil Mechanics Research Group (SMRG)
Accredited Programmes
Accreditation of an engineering degree is an important certification that the programme meets the high standards set by the engineering profession. In the case of South Africa, this is governed by the statutory body, the Engineering Council of South Africa.
ECSA accreditation applies to all our undergraduate programmes - since 2018/19.
In addition to ECSA accreditation, the BSc Hydrology and Water Resources Management programme is accredited by the South African Council for Natural Scientific Profession (SACNASP) - since 2018.
Individuals with these qualifications will be prepared for a career as an engineering technician or technologist in the engineering consultancy and construction industry. Three primary activities are dealt with, namely planning and design, construction, and maintenance.
The work to be performed will vary, depending on the area in which the individual is working, but in all respects, they will be required to assist professional technologists/engineers. Other work will involve surveying, design, cost accounting, draughting, traffic studies and material testing. Career opportunities exist in government departments and organisations such as PRASA, Eskom, mining companies, construction firms, civil consulting engineers, and research institutions. A person holding this qualification can also start their own business.
SAICE Student Chapter
The department is a part of The South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE)– Student Chapter
A group of like-minded students who work on a volunteer basis to create opportunities for students and community members to engage in fruitful networking opportunities and connect with professionals, as well as to provide an opportunity for civil engineering students to grow personally and professionally through the student chapter.
- The first goal of this student group is to foster unity and promote student engagement in the built environment.
- Give students a chance to interact with experts.
- Raise money to give kids engaging, entertaining activities, contests, and awards.
- Increase understanding of the world outside the classroom.
- Use the outreach programme to give back to the community and to spread wisdom.
Bridge Building Competition
To promote high school students' application of mathematics and science in an engineering setting and advance the engineering field, SAICE established the bridge construction competition in 1991. Since then, it has had tremendous success and is beloved by everybody. The competition for constructing bridges is a crucial component of certain schools' extracurricular activities and is honoured on par with success in the classroom or on the playing field. It has been put into the curriculum of various schools.
This event is SAICE's most effective effort to draw students to civil engineering and promote a broader understanding of the field because of its practical and hands-on nature. The competition provides an excellent chance for career coaching. The friendships that form between the many competing teams while there allow them the opportunity to forge ties across nations, cultures, and groups of people!
CUT Civil Department proudly uses GEO5 Geotechnical software