1. In areas where we collect information, it will be for use by CUT to assist you by sharing further information and or respond to an enquiry.
  2. All information collected on our digital communication platform is voluntarily provided by the data subject.
  3. Opting not to share personal information may result in CUT being unable to provide the required service and/or information.
  4. CUT adheres to the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002, and the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI Act).
  5. No personal information about a user will be disclosed to third parties without the users permission or due process (existing).
  6. Central University of Technology, Free State may use the personal information about the user to communicate with the user from time to time. Users may indicate if they do not wish to receive such communications; Furthermore, information will be processed according to its category (stakeholders groups).
  7. To lodge a complaint or enquire about personal information use, contact the CUT Registrar’s Office at registrar@cut.ac.za or in writing. The Registrar, Central University of Technology, Free State Private Bag X20539, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300, Republic of South Africa.
Uploaded: 27 June 2023
CUT Prof OJ (Jaco) Gericke

CUT Prof OJ (Jaco) Gericke

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