

Undergraduate to Graduate Student’s Programme

  • Support to complete studies successfully.
  • Supplementary workshops on the research process and writing for funding applications.

Master’s Education Programme

  • Support for research design, methodology, literature review and science writing.
  • Preparation and assistance with funding applications.
  • Support to read one conference paper at faculty’s prestige research day.
  • Participation in Research and Development’s “five- minute conference- presentation”.
  • Exposure to the scientific world of research.
  • Successful completion of studies in residential period. .

Doctoral Education Programme

  • Support for methodology, statistical analysis and science writing.
  • Preparation and assistance with funding applications.
  • Support to read one conference paper at a national conference and one colloquium presentation.
  • Participation in Research and Development’s “five- minute- conference- presentation”.
  • Exposure to the scientific world of research.
  • Successful completion of studies in residential period.

Next Generation Researcher Programme

  • Supporting university staff to complete a Master’s or/and Doctoral degree.
  • Develop and enable the next generation researcher.

Postdoc Fellowship Programme

Two types:

  • Full-time postdoc fellowship for a three- year period.
  • Students who completed Doctorate and are employed full-time, to be in a three- year part-time Postdoctorate programme.
  • Participate in official research programme.
  • Writing-up and publication of research results.

Emerging Researcher Programme

  • Staff who obtained their doctorate degree in the previous two years is eligible.
  • Preparing for research career.
  • Developing research competencies.

Mid-career Researcher Programme

  • Develop own research programme with participating members and students.
  • Developing research competencies.

Established Researcher Programme

  • Become an international leader in a research programme, through international funding, collaboration and joint programmes.

Focused Researchers Career Programme

  • Enabling black female researchers to complete doctorate qualification.
  • Developing research careers and competencies.

Rated Researchers Programme

  • Maintain or improve NRF- rating.
  • National and International recognition.


  • The value of grants/ project support, for all programmes above, over a three-year period, are obtainable from the Research and Development Plan 2014 to 2020, and is awarded on a competitive basis.
  • The number of grants available is subject to the annual institutional budget.

Contact: Graduate School

Uploaded: 17 March 2020
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