Enactus South Africa visits CUT to officially congratulate the Enactus CUT National Champions

Management Sciences CUT News Community Engagement Students
Enactus South Africa visits CUT to officially congratulate the Enactus CUT National Champions

Enactus CUT will represent South Africa at the Enactus World Cup Event to be hosted from 30 October to 2 November in San Juan, Puerto Rico (USA). The first-time National Champions will compete against 34 teams from around the globe for the title of World Champion.

To officially congratulate and support our National Champions, delegates from Enactus South Africa made a special visit to CUT on 22 July 2022. Their visit was also to discuss the institution's support of the team.

"We are delighted that the Enactus Central University of Technology returned home as the National Champions after participating in the 2022 Enactus South Africa National Competition on 14 July in Sandton," said Ms Letitia de Wet, Chief Executive Officer and Country Director: Enactus South Africa

The young leaders were awarded National Champion title for their Village Farm Enterprise. This enterprise is designed with a business model consisting of two pillars: Crop Farming and Vermiculture or Worm Farming. In their crop farming component, the team aims to empower communities to use their livelihood assets, such as land and water, to create and stimulate employment opportunities in communities in the Free State while reducing inequality and encouraging youth and women to participate in the agricultural sector.

The team identified 14 community members in Gladstone Village, outside Bloemfontein, consisting of the elderly, women, and youth. These beneficiaries could register with the Green Golden Grey Cooperative through the intervention. In addition, the team partnered with Patriot Vision in Action, which provided commercial farming and cooperative governance training. The training principles were evident when the Cooperative's income increased from R 350 to R 9 882.

In the worm farming component, they partnered with Agribusiness Corner, which has issued them a letter of intent to become a supplier of worms. But this partnership does not stop there; the team has gone further to host expos, create awareness about vermiculture (worm farming), and encourage community members to become economically active in this venture.

This was made possible through the support of numerous partners, such as the Central University of Technology Community Engagement Office, Interstate Bus Company, Ford Motor Company, and Harmony Gold Mining, to name a few.

Ms Letitia de Wet said that the community engagement aspect of Enactus helps position the participating institution as a responsible organisational citizen and brings the institution closer to the community.

"While these young leaders are making a great impact on their communities, they are making an even greater impact on themselves. Becoming values-driven leaders, preparing for careers as entrepreneurs within some of the world's greatest companies, or leading their social enterprises. At Enactus, we're not just passionate, we are passionate with a purpose."


Enactus South Africa members visiting CUT. Back row, from left, Mr Bheki Mdzikwa, Program Director: Enactus South Africa, Ms Maraka Lefera, CUT Lecturer Human Resources Management, and Enactus Faculty Advisor, Ms Jeeva Munsamy, Deputy Director: Community Engagement, Ms Letitia de Wet, Chief Executive Officer and Country Director: Enactus South Africa and Prof. Patient Rambe, Senior Researcher and Enactus CUT Co-Faculty Advisor. Front row: Kori Mohlalisi, Ms Yanelisa Giyose, Enactus President and Ms Masabata Sebusi, Regional Program Coordinator: Enactus South Africa.

Uploaded: 04 August 2022
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