Important information
- All abstracts, work in progress and full papers subjected to double-blind review will be emailed back as soon as possible.
- Previously presented papers/abstracts will not be accepted. No author will be allowed to present more than two papers.
- If the paper has two authors, only one must register.
Guidelines for submissions
Abstracts (not more than 250 words)
Separate page of title (not more than 12 words), name(s), affiliation(s), and email addresses. Abstract (in one paragraph) should have - Orientation of the study, objective(s), theory, methodology, main findings, recommendation, key words (four).
Work in Progress (600 words)
A separate page of title (not more than 12 words), name(s), affiliation(s), and email addresses. Work in progress - Introduction with nature of the problem, the main problem to be investigated, preliminary literature review, proposed research design & methodology, preliminary findings, conclusions, and implications.
Full Papers (maximum 20 pages of content)
Font size: Arial 14 bold for main title, arial 12 bold for main headings, 12 for sub-headings (not bold), 11 for sub-headings
Technical Issues
MS Word documents
Font: Arial
Font size: 12
Spacing: 1.5
Reference style: Harvard Method