FNB CUT beats FNB UJ at their first home ground match

CUT News Students Sport
FNB CUT beats FNB UJ at their first home ground match

Dogged defending from FNB CUT as well as poor discipline from FNB UJ handed the former a handy 23-19 victory at home in Bloemfontein. 

Early penalties by Juan Arnold Smith gave the Ixias breathing room with the Orange Army shut out for the whole of the first half. Speedster Zachery Bester sliced through the visiting defence to score the first try of the game.

A second-half resurgence from UJ ensured that the game wasn't without its twists.

Tries from UJ's Prince Nkabinde, Likhaya Tengimfene, and Marius Coetzee kept the pressure on the hosts.

Ultimately, Ixias stayed strong at the back to remain unbeaten against their opponents since 2019.


FNB CUT 23 (13) - Tries: Zachery Bester, Adielson Gouveia. Penalties: Juan Arnold Smith (2), Christiaan Rheeder.

FNB UJ 19 (0) Tries - Prince Nkabinde, Likhaya Tengimfene, Marius Coetzee. Conversions: Rowan Malgas

Player That Rocks: Janco Cloete (CUT)


FNB CUT: Albertus Human Venter, Tokelo Oratile Ntaopane, Sisipho Nofuya, Asekho Phindile Marubelela, Kevin Strydom, Tjaart Jurie Van der Walt, Tsebano Edward Stemer, Jacobus Johannes Cloete, Triveno Swartz, Juan Arnold Smith, Zachery Bester, Septimus Dercksen, Liam Prinsloo, Adielson Gouveia, Natanael Young.           

FNB UJ: Roedolf Fouche Schoeman, Mauritz Swart, Heiko Peter Eugene Pohlmann, Tiaan Wessels, Marius Coetzee, Testimony Boluwatife Dodo, Philip Apea Adu, Kamohelo Rorisang Molefe, Kgothatso Sono, Rowan Malgas, Prince Nkabinde, Likhaya Tengimfene, Siphesihle Austin Nkabini, Meyer Kriel, Boldwin Hansen.

Uploaded: 20 February 2024
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