Extended curriculum programmes (ECPs) were designed to equip students who do not meet the minimum requirements with the necessary competencies to be successful in their studies. Academic support and skills development are integrated with regular academic work.
The key role of extended provision is therefore to support educationally disadvantaged students who are underprepared despite meeting minimum admission criteria, by enabling them to be placed in an extended curriculum programme that will provide them with the academic foundation to successfully complete their studies.
A student must pass all instructional offerings of the first year of the ECP in order to continue with the subsequent year of study in the ECP. A student enrolled in the ECP may not change to the regular programme even after successfully completing the first year of the ECP. The student must complete the ECP in full.
It has become increasingly evident that a large number of students, irrespective of their level of achievement in high school, are generally not sufficiently equipped in academic English language proficiency and personal competencies (life skills) to successfully pursue studies in higher education. Even students with high academic potential often struggle to progress in their studies due to a general low level of academic English proficiency.
For this reason, CUT decided to introduce compulsory fundamental modules to improve the entry-level proficiency of all first-year students. These modules include academic English learning experiences in language proficiency, academic literacy and personal competencies/life skills.
At the beginning of the academic year, all first-year students will be tested for English language proficiency. Any student who fails this test will be expected to complete the Academic Literacy and Communication Studies Module (course) in English. The module is credit-bearing and will be assessed through summative and formative assessment methods. The work completed in this module is intended to equip students with the necessary language proficiency and academic literacy skills required to successfully complete higher education studies.
Personal Information Management (PIM 5011 & PIM 5012)
Information Literacy known as Personal Information Management (PIM 5011) was accepted and approved by Senate to be offered at the Library and Information Services (LIS) as a student support programme across all the Faculties to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. It was approved on 20 May 2013. Personal Information Management (PIM 5011) is a subject that the Library & Information Services (LIS) offers to all First-Time-Entering students. This subject became compulsory as from 2014 to all first-time-entering students.
Academic literacy
All first-year students registering for the first time at CUT must write the Academic Language Proficiency (ALP) test, unless they have successfully completed a language proficiency module in English at another institution of higher learning. Evidence of credits earned in such cases must be provided. The compulsory ALP test assesses the student’s readiness to handle the reading and writing demands of university education, as well as the ability to apply his/her linguistic competence deriving from knowledge and experience gained at school level.
Academic Structure and Student Enrolment Services or the relevant department for more information.

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