


ASTM’s Digital Library


ASTM Standards



General database covering wide range of subjects, including company profiles.



Covering accounting, finance, economic, business and management information

Clarivate Journal Citation Reports


View a journal’s impact factor.

Clarivate Web of Science


Use it to identify a researcher’s citings.

Clarivate InCites Benchmarking & Analytics


InCites is a citation-based evaluation tool for academic and government administrators to analyse institutional productivity and benchmark output against peers and aspirational peers in a national or international context.

Oxford Journals
InternetThe home of 500 peer-reviewed journals published by Oxford University Press and learned societies from around the world.
ProQuest Central


General database covering wide range of subjects and a wide range of material types, including.
  • Scholarly journals 
  • Magazines
  • Trade publications
  • Newspapers
  • Reference/Reports
  • Dissertations
  • Videos (medical topics only)

Sabinet African Journal


It consists of more than 600 South African journal titles.

Sabinet NetLawInternetSabinet National Legislation (NetLaw) provides users with instant access to South African legislation, enabling them to keep up with the national legislation currently in force by providing information that is accurate, timely, relevant and reliable.



A leading full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters from more than 2,500 peer-reviewed journals.

Sage Research MethodsInternetSage Research Methods is a comprehensive platform that caters to researchers across various disciplines. It offers a wealth of resources to enhance your research skills and understanding of different methodologies.
Sage Research JournalsInternetSage empowers researchers, librarians and readers through:
  • Gold and Green Open Access publishing options
  • Open access agreements
  • Author support and information

Taylor and Francis Online


This platform provides online access to all journals from Taylor & Francis and Routledge.

McGraw-Hill Access EngineeringInternetThis platform provides online access to McGraw-Hill engineering.
Wiley JournalsInternetWiley Online Library provides access to over 1,400 subscription-based journal titles.

ProQuest eBooks CentralInterneteBook Central makes it easy to manage discovery, selection, acquisition, administration, and reporting all in one place – and to give students, faculty and researchers seamless and immediate access to the eBooks they need.
Emerald eBooksInternetThis platform provides access to more than 3,300 titles with content covering topics that resonate with the real world.
Taylor & Francis eBooksInternetTaylor & Francis eBooks is a single destination platform with eBooks in science, technology, engineering, medical, humanities and social science.
Cambridge University Press eBooksInternetCambridge Core is the place to find valuable, useful and inspirational research and academic information. With 46,000+ books, Cambridge Core is the central destination for academic research.
VL eBooksInternetVLeBooks is the Online Library's principal e-book database, with over 2,000 titles on a wide variety of subjects.
Wiley eBooksInternetOne of the largest and most authoritative collections of online journals, books, and research resources, covering life, health, social, and physical sciences.
Uploaded: 03 June 2024
CUT Prof OJ (Jaco) Gericke

CUT Prof OJ (Jaco) Gericke

Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology CUT News

Jaco Gericke is an NRF C2-rated researcher and experienced Professional Engineer registered with the...

CUT Celebrates Mandela Day with Ihobe Primary School and Lenyora La Thuto Secondary School

CUT Celebrates Mandela Day with Ihobe Primary School and Lenyora La Thuto Secondary School

CUT News

At Lenyora La Thuto Secondary School, the CUT librarians undertook a similar initiative, arranging library...

CUT Department of Health Sciences donate 80 laboratory coats to Lenyora la Thuto Secondary School in celebration of Mandela Day

CUT Department of Health Sciences donate 80 laboratory coats to Lenyora la Thuto Secondary School in celebration of Mandela Day

Health and Environmental Sciences CUT News

Front row: Grade 10 -12 learners, with their educators, Mr. MO Dale, Mrs. Celeste Mc Pherson, Ms. KK...