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The Department of Business Support Studies was born from the School of Entrepreneurship and Business Development in 2013. It is the home of:
- Diploma in Management
- Diploma in Office Management and Technology
- Advanced Diploma in Applied Management
- Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management
- Master of Philosophy in Management Sciences (Business Administration)
- Master of Philosophy in Management Sciences (Business Management)
- Master of Philosophy in Management Sciences (Project Management)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Management Sciences (Business Administration)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Management Sciences (Business Management)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Management Sciences (Project Management)
- Doctor of Business Administration.
The Diploma in Management programme enrolled its first group of students in January 2024.
The Diploma in Office Management and Technology and the Diploma in Management are intended for first-time entering students (matriculants of the previous year). However, we offer recognition of prior learning (RPL) in all our qualifications.
Our master’s and doctoral programmes are strictly research-based and set out to equip students with advanced analytical skills for problem-solving in management and business. Admission into these programmes is contingent upon student’s academic credentials, and their ability to identify a relevant research problem, devise a convincing research proposal, and the availability of research supervisors.
Through full-time and part-time appointments, the department is able to engage well-qualified academics to be involved in its learning programmes. All academics lecturing at the Advanced Diploma and Postgraduate Diploma levels have a relevant master’s degree at the minimum whereas all main supervisors of master’s research have doctorate qualifications.
Several staff members are registered members of professional bodies in their fields of specialisation. At the same time, steps are being taken to have some of the department’s programmes accredited by the relevant professional bodies.
Plans are afoot to add two new programmes at the postgraduate diploma and master’s levels to the department’s list of learning offerings.
Our purpose is to empower people for socio-economic emancipation through creativity, innovation, and integrity.