ABASA CUT student chapter is a non-profit student organisation in the Accounting and Auditing department at CUT. It is associated with the Advancement of Black Accountants in Southern African (ABASA).

It is the mission of the organisation to provide support for Central University of Technology, Free State students within the financial and accounting sphere; in order to achieve improved student academic performance and to maintain quality standards.

The objectives of the student chapter are to:

  1. Promote the advancement of the accounting profession.
  2. Support the transformation agenda of the country and the profession.
  3. Assist new CUT students with the integration into higher education.
  4. Increase participation of students in Community Engagement activities.
  5. Represent student perspectives and needs in the academic process.
  6. Provide academic support where necessary and possible.
  7. Promote ABASA CUT student membership on campus.
  8. Educate students about; the various professional accreditations available surrounding accounting in general, and the different professional accounting institutes.

It is also the intention of the organisation to measure and record the effectiveness of each activity which aims at achieving these objectives, by way of collecting public opinion on satisfaction and by keeping an attendance register. The public here referred to being the people affected by activities conducted.

Uploaded: 17 March 2020
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