Prof. Jaco Gericke
DESIGNATION | Head of Department: Civil Engineering |Associate Professor |
QUALIFICATIONS | BSc (Hons): Appl. Sci. (Water Resources Eng.) | MSc Eng. (Civil Eng.) | PhD Eng. (Agric. Eng.) |
PORTFOLIO | Prof. Gericke is an experienced Professional Engineer (PrEng. – ECSA) and has more than 25 years’ professional and academic experience, mainly in the fields of hydrology, water resources management, and river hydraulics. Representing the CUT at the Water Research Commission (WRC) and the South African National Committee of Large Dams (SANCOLD) since 2014 to contribute towards the implementation of the National Flood Studies Programme (NFSP). Currently involved with research projects funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering, United Kingdom and the WRC, respectively. |
PUBLICATIONS | Gericke, OJ, Pietersen, JPJ, Smithers, JC & Du Plessis, JA. 2024. Alternative streamflow-based approach to estimate catchment response time in medium to large catchments: case study in Primary Drainage Region X, South Africa. Water SA 50 (1): 20–31. DOI: 10.17159/wsa/2024.v50.i1.4067 Pietersen, JPJ, Gericke, OJ & Smithers, JC. 2023. Derivation of long duration geographically-centred areal reduction factors for catchment design rainfall estimation in South Africa. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 50 (2023): 101542. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2023.101542 Gericke, OJ & Williams, VH. 2023. Could a one-size-fits-all approach apply to the extension of stage-discharge relationships at flow-gauging weirs? Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering 65 (2): 17–27, e1568. DOI: 10.17159/2309-8775/2023/v65n2a3 Gericke, OJ. 2021. Assessment of at-site design flood estimation methods using an improved event-based design flood estimation tool. Journal of Flood Risk Management. e12710. DOI: 10.1111/jfr3.12710 Allnutt, CE, Gericke, OJ & Pietersen, JPJ. 2020. Estimation of time parameter proportionality ratios in large catchments: case study of the Modder-Riet River Catchment, South Africa. Journal of Flood Risk Management 13: e12628. DOI: 10.1111/jfr3.12628 Gericke OJ & Pietersen JPJ. 2020. Estimation of areal reduction factors using daily rainfall data and a geographically centred approach. Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering 62 (4): 20–31. DOI: 10.17159/2309-8775/2020/v62n4a3 |
BOOK(S) OR CHAPTER(S) IN BOOK(S) | Brooker, CJ, Du Plessis, JA, Dunsmore, SJ, Gericke, OJ & Smithers, JC. 2023. A Best Practice Guideline for Design Flood Estimation in Municipal Areas in South Africa. WRC/IMESA Report No. C2021/2022-00724. Water Research Commission and Institute of Municipal Engineers of South Africa, Pretoria, RSA. Gericke, OJ, Pietersen, JPJ, Smithers, JC, Du Plessis, JA, Allnutt, CE & Williams, VH. 2022. Development of a Regionalised Approach to Estimate Areal Reduction Factors and Catchment Response Time Parameters for Improved Design Flood Estimation in South Africa. WRC Report No. K5-2924. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, RSA. Du Plessis, JA, Burger, RP, Gericke, OJ, Todd, TJ & Marebane, TS. 2020. The Applicability of the Use of Radar Data to Develop Areal Reduction Factors in South Africa. WRC Report No. K5-2923. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, RSA. |
PRESENTED CONFERENCES, SEMINARS, WORKSHOPS | Nwodo, JC, Gericke, OJ & Woyessa, YE. 2023. Re-engineering of existing wastewater stabilisation ponds for improved contaminant removal. Proceedings, Southern-African Nordic Centre (SANORD) Conference. Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Hamar, Norway. Pietersen, JPJ, Gericke, OJ & Smithers, JC. 2023. The impact of different approaches on the estimation of long duration geographically-centred areal reduction factors. Proceedings, 28th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). Berlin, Germany. DOI: 10.57757/IUGG23-0553 Gericke, OJ, Williams, VH & Van der Spuy, D. 2023. Assessment of indirect estimation methods to extend stage-discharge relationships for above-structure-limit conditions at flow-gauging weirs. Proceedings, 28th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). Berlin, Germany. DOI: 10.57757/IUGG23-0546 Gericke, OJ, Pietersen, JPJ, Smithers, JC & Du Plessis, JA. 2023. Direct estimation of catchment response time in medium to large catchments. Proceedings, 28th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). Berlin, Germany. DOI: 10.57757/IUGG23-0548 Gericke, OJ & Pietersen, JPJ. 2019. Areal reduction factors for design rainfall estimation in the Modder-Riet River Basin, South Africa. Proceedings, 10th River Basin Management Conference, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, WIT Press (234): 31–40. Alicante, Spain. DOI: 10.2495/RBM190041 |
EXTERNAL PROFILES | Google Scholar OrcID |
Contact Us
Prof. Jaco Gericke
Tel: +27(0)51 507 3516