TVET Colleges and CUT forge regional collaboration to address articulation

CUT News Partnerships Teaching and Learning
TVET Colleges and CUT forge regional collaboration to address articulation

The Institutional Planning and Quality Assurance Unit at the Central University of Technology, Free State, hosted a two-day workshop from 16 to 17 March on post-school education, training, articulation, and recognition of prior learning to develop an institutional articulation plan with four TVET Colleges in the Free State and one in the Northern Cape.

The workshop is a continuation of broader objectives of establishing protocols for jointly offering new and additional higher certificates with the TVET Colleges and establishing processes of tracking transitional articulating students and providing academic development support.

The committee was established as a vehicle for the Unfurling Post-School Education and Training (UPSET) Project to contribute to the university’s strategic goals to bring about articulation pathways for TVET College students in the province.

This committee will critically link the university’s endeavours with these TVET colleges in various fields. Its mandate will guide industry trends shaping joint offerings to influence specific articulation enablers.

Uploaded: 17 March 2023
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