The inspiring journey of overcoming adversity

Management Sciences CUT News Welkom Campus
The inspiring journey of overcoming adversity

Karabo Morapedi is happy to receive his first qualification and willing to achieve more. He is with Mom Sebolelo Morapedi (left) and aunt, Selloane Bocheli (right)

Karabo Morapedi is a true inspiration to many people. Despite being born with cerebral palsy quadriplegia, which affects all four limbs and causes various physical and intellectual challenges, Morapedi graduated with a National Diploma in Public Management from the Central University of Technology Welkom Campus. His journey to success has been truly remarkable and defies expectations.

Morapedi faced numerous obstacles that might have discouraged many people, but he was sustained by the love and support of his family. Their support was a beacon of light in his darkest moments, guiding him on a path that redefined possibilities and led him to achieve his dream of becoming a graduate.

Pursuing a post-matric qualification was a significant step towards realising his dreams. Transitioning from Martie Du Plessis Special School in Bloemfontein to university life presented its own set of challenges for someone with his unique needs. However, with determination and the unwavering support of the university community, Morapedi found himself thriving in an environment tailored to his requirements.

Initially, he struggled a lot while interacting with 'normal' students, as it was new for him. However, as time went on, he was able to make friends and interact with other students. His experience at CUT was enriched by the university’s commitment to inclusivity, providing him with the necessary tools and facilities to navigate academic life successfully.

Morapedi expressed gratitude for reaching this point and shared his sense of accomplishment. From delivering him a laptop for writing due to his limited hand mobility to ensuring wheelchair-friendly facilities across campus, CUT's dedication to accessibility played a pivotal role in Morapedi's academic journey. "CUT made it easy for me," he acknowledges, emphasising the importance of accommodating diverse needs in educational settings.

Beyond excelling in academics, Morapedi's achievements extend to the realm of sports, where he has emerged as an internationally recognised athlete. Representing both the university and country, Morapedi showcased his talents at the World Boccia Africa Regional Championships held in Paris, France, leaving a lasting impression on the global stage.

As he continues his educational pursuit with an Advanced Diploma in Applied Public Management, Morapedi shares a powerful message. He encourages fellow students to face their hurdles with self-belief and never lose focus. "Trust yourselves and never lose focus. Even when the journey seems daunting, remember that anything is possible. Your dreams are within reach; you must keep pushing forward."

Morapedi's story serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of perseverance in overcoming adversity. Through his determination, he not only defied the odds but also inspired others to embrace their potential and pursue their dreams, regardless of the challenges they may face.

Proud mother and aunt could not contain their excitement as they expressed their happiness with this achievement. "I am so proud of Karabo for making it this far. Raising a child with a disability is not an easy task, but Karabo has shown us that anything is possible. He is an inspiration to us all. I am appealing to other parents in similar situations to help their kids achieve their dreams, expose them to different things, and let them interact and learn from others. Disability does not mean inability; these kids are also intelligent and need our love and support," said Morapedi's mother and aunt.

Uploaded: 10 April 2024
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