Enactus CUT student receives outstanding leadership award at the 2024 Enactus South Africa Summer Action Challenge

CUT News Students
Enactus CUT student receives outstanding leadership award at the 2024 Enactus South Africa Summer Action Challenge

Nokwanda Maphumolo, a third-year Human Resources Management student at the Central University of Technology and Enactus Chief Financial Officer from Welkom Campus, has won the 2024 Enactus Summer Challenge Student Leader Award.

She competed against student leaders from all 27 higher education institutions participating in the Enactus programme. She was awarded first place as the Best Team Leader, who displayed excellence in the team’s finances. The recognition not only highlights her exceptional dedication but also underscores Enactus CUT's commitment to nurturing leaders who are making waves on the national stage.

“I am thrilled to have been recognised as the best Team Leader in the Enactus South Africa Summer Action Challenge for displaying excellence in finance. This award is a testament to the hard work and dedication I have put into my Enactus portfolio, and it is a great feeling to have my efforts acknowledged and recognised.

I am excited to continue working together with my team and driving Enactus CUT forward. I also believe that this award not only recognises my efforts but also the excellent work of my teammates. I am confident about our team's future and our potential as student leaders. We are focusing on continuous growth, commitment and making an impact!”

Nokwanda’s journey from an aspiring student to a recognised leader resonates with this year’s United Nations International Women’s Day theme- Investing in women. Accelerate Progress.

According to Ms Maraka Lefera, Enactus CUT Co-Faculty Advisor, Nokwanda is a testament to Enactus's belief that investing in students who take entrepreneurial action for others creates a better world for all. “She joined Enactus to learn about entrepreneurship and be a change agent. Her milestone demonstrates the mission of engaging the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders to use innovation and business principles to improve the world.”

Other Enactus CUT former leaders who received national recognition are Mr Thembisile Tyopo, the 2019 Project Manager; Ms Yanelisa Giyose, the 2022 Enactus CUT President; and Taelo Matlala, the 2023 Enactus CUT Deputy President.

Uploaded: 18 March 2024
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