CUT employees from humble beginnings to greatness

CUT News Teaching and Learning
CUT employees from humble beginnings to greatness

Photo: Mr Lekhetho Ambition Ramosena, Junior Lecturer: Mechanical Engineering, and Ms Zanele Ngqondi, Lectures Assistant in Hospitality Management.

Mr Lekhetho Ambition Ramosena joined CUT in 2013 as a National Diploma: Mechanical Engineering student, which he obtained in the year 2016. He further enrolled for a B-Tech Degree and graduated in 2018. Ramosena was fortunate enough to be appointed as a Lecturer’s Assistant in the Mechanical Engineering Department, where he was able to market his diligent and resilient hardworking character. “Towards the end of last year, there was a Junior Lecturer position advertised in the department, which I applied for and became a successful candidate for the position.” He is now a Junior Lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering department, and is currently busy with the final compilation of his research dissertation in Metal Additive Manufacturing with a specific focus on blended elemental powder feedstock materials. “I chose this study field because I am keen to take part in the development and refinement of this turn-key technology.”

Initially, his dream career was to be a Mechanical Engineer working in the engineering industry, but academic environment exposure and interest proved him otherwise. “I have always had a passion for education and academia. My peers always told me that I can simplify complex issues in a manner that everyone can understand. I may not be in the engineering industry as planned, but I am very content with where I am because my career plan was to retire in academia.”

Ramosena said he is very grateful for the opportunity granted to further his studies through the CUT staff bursary. “This allows me to improve myself academically, therefore, attracting more opportunities within the institution, subsequently improving my life and my family’s life. What I like about CUT is that it empowers its employees and gives them the opportunity to develop and spread the wings.”

His five-year career plan is to obtain a Doctoral degree and be in a decision-making position within the faculty. His success method is simple, keep a good academic record, and be willing to continuously improve yourself. “Lecturing means that you have to constantly study, do some research and master your content before you present it.”

Ms Zanele Ngqondi started working as a Lecture Assistant in October 2022. “I was so happy when I received an email that I have been appointed as Technical Assistant. I lectured senior students and I still get students knocking at my door for help, especially with Financial Accounting. This has made a huge change in my life. As a single mother, it gave me assurance knowing that I have a stable salary to invest toward my son’s future.”

Ms Ngqondi plans to further her studies and obtain a PhD in Hospitality Management specialising in Revenue Management. She would also like to enrol for a short course in SCM or Purchases.

When asked if she was an animal which one would she be, she said she said she admires an Eagle because eagles have good vision and can spot their target from far away, “this bird prepares itself for training in order to impact the skills of the young ones.”

Uploaded: 21 April 2023
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