Although the development of graduate attributes is part of the core vision of the university, it is almost impossible to assess to what measure a student has developed CUT graduate attributes.  Students will be asked to compile an e-CUT portfolio through the course of their studies, showcasing how they have developed graduate attributes.  Staff members of the peer mentorship programme and Careers Office will support students in compiling and managing their e-CUT portfolios.

According to Lorenzo and Ittelson (2005), e-portfolios are valuable learning and assessment tools. They describe an e-portfolio as:

“A digitized collection of artifacts including demonstrations, resources, and accomplishments that represent an individual, group, or institution. This collection of artifacts can be comprised of text-based, graphic, or multimedia elements. The designer of the E-portfolio can always control who are able to see their work, and can thus serve as an administrative tool to manage and organize work created. E-portfolios encourage personal reflection and often involve the exchange of ideas and feedback” (Lorenzo & Ittelson, 2005).

An e-CUT portfolio is a personal portfolio that a CUT student will compile using eThuto as a platform. This portfolio will tell the reader about the student, what he/she has achieved, how he/she has grown as student, and reflect on what graduate attributes he/she has developed through the course of his/her studies.  All peer mentors will be trained on how to develop an e-CUT portfolio, and in turn will be able to support their mentees in developing an e-CUT portfolio.  At the end of their studies at CUT, every CUT student will have an e-CUT portfolio ready in order to market themselves for the workplace.

An e-CUT portfolio will showcase your skills and abilities to the employer.  We are living in a technologically advanced society, where digital format is more beneficial for you in the eyes of the employer. By being able to compile a thorough electronic portfolio, you already showcase to the employer that you have mastered the technological skills needed to compete in the work sector. Other advantages of an e-CUT portfolio are:

  • It reflects your strengths and weaknesses.
  • It is easier accessible than a paper-based CV.
  • It provides a platform for you to be more creative.
  • It provides the institution with information on your personal and professional development.
  • It lets you stand out in the crowd.
  • It provides an opportunity for you to grow and reflect on your learning.

According to Ross Miller, Senior Director of assessment for learning at the Association of American Colleges and Universities, reflection on work saved in e-portfolios can:

  • Build learners’ personal and academic identities as they complete complex projects and reflect on their capabilities and progress.
  • Facilitate the integration of learning as students connect learning across courses and time.
  • Be focused on developing self-assessment abilities in which students judge the quality of work using the same criteria experts use.
  • Help students plan their own academic pathways as they come to understand what they know and are able to do, and what they still need to learn.

Download the PDF Guide to setup you e-CUT Portfolio


Uploaded: 16 March 2020
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