Successful teams are built through great leadership

All of us form part of some or other team – at our workplace, in our community, at university, etc.  Sometimes we are team members, and sometimes we need to lead our teams.  Sometimes we form part of successful teams, whilst, at other times, our teams do not perform all that well.

When building a team, all team members should apply some principles to ensure the success of the team.

All team members must be well-informed about the purpose of the team (i.e. what they are working towards), and where the team fits into the context of the goals and principles of the company.   Make the goal(s) short, simple and clear.  Establish team values and goals, and evaluate the team’s performance.

Clear, open and honest communication in a team is important.  The team leader/organisation should provide the team with important business information.  Team members should have clarity on their tasks and should feel free to express themselves, and to share information, ideas and thoughts.

A team comprises unique individuals with different points of view, experience, knowledge and creativity.  Team members do not take sides in a disagreement, or support personality conflicts.  They should understand their roles and responsibilities and should co-operate effectively to accomplish their mutual goal(s).  Team members are different – one team member is not better or more important than another.  All team members have certain strengths and weaknesses, and successful teams operate based on each member’s strengths.

Great teams require great leaders.  A leader should encourage debate and creativity and should facilitate communication in the team.  The leader should be aware of each team member’s unique qualities, and of what is required to motivate each member to excel.  Leaders build their relationships on trust and loyalty, rather than on fear or power.

Successful teams comprise members who are committed, and who have a strong sense of belonging to the group.  They experience a deep commitment to the group’s decisions and actions.  When team members are committed, they take ownership and accountability for achievements and success.

A team that plays together, stays together.  Take a break from time to time, and just have fun and enjoy one another’s company.  Fun activities will bring a sense of bonding that is important for the development of relationships and ownership in the team.

Always celebrate success.  This is not about acknowledgement, but about reflecting on what you have accomplished, and what you have learned throughout your journey.  The more achievements we recognise, the more inspired the team will become, as team members start to see themselves progressing towards the goal.


Uploaded: 09 March 2020
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