Senate approval: Regulations and skills required to optimally use Open AI’s ChatGPT at CUT

At the ordinary Senate meeting on 30 May 2023, the use of ChatGPT and any Open AI devices or platforms were discussed.

The Senate is the primary forum in CUT for the discussion and resolution of academic matters and for developing for transmission to Council policies and procedures on academic aspects and implications of any business coming before the Council.

The matter of incorporating generative AI into the various university activities in order to improve the student experience and facilitate communications among members of the university community was discussed and the following two documents were approved:

Using ChatGPT at Central University of Technology (CUT), staff, and students should adhere to the following regulations to ensure that they are using it, and any Open AI devices and platforms responsibly:

To make optimal use of ChatGPT, several skills are required:

Terms of reference for the Task Team on ChatGPT and other AI-based technologies were also discussed and approved at the Senate meeting. It should be noted that the team is tasked with incorporating the ChatGPT language model in various university activities to improve the student experience and facilitate communication among members of the university community. The team will be responsible for identifying and implementing use cases for ChatGPT across different departments and ensuring that the technology is used effectively and efficiently.

Based on the nature of this structure, the Task Team on ChatGPT and other AI-based Technologies consists of:

  • the Deputy Vice-Chancellor- Research, Innovation and Engagement;
  • the Senior Director: Centre of Innovation in Teaching and Learning;
  • the Assistant Deans-Teaching and Learning (T&L);
  • the Senior Director: Information and Communications Technology;
  • the Head of Department: Information Technology;
  • the Business Process Manager-Office of the Registrar;
  • the Director-Research Development Support;
  • the University Librarian;
  • the Director-Research Centre of Postgraduate Studies.

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Research, Innovation and Engagement

Uploaded: 09 June 2023
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