CUT’s Professor Alexander has notably impacted the education field through research and teaching and continues to do so

Humanities CUT News Research and Innovation Teaching and Learning
CUT’s Professor Alexander has notably impacted the education field through research and teaching and continues to do so

Professor Gregory Alexander is a distinguished academic at the Central University of Technology with a wealth of expertise in several fields. With a Ph.D. in Psychology of Education and relevant qualifications in Human Resources Management and Value-Based Leadership, Professor Alexander is a leading authority in critical multicultural education, diverse learning environments, teacher education, and inclusive education. His extensive knowledge and experience make him an asset to any institution or organisation that seeks to promote diversity and equity.

As a professor in the Postgraduate Studies in Education (Faculty of Humanities), he has supervised Honours, Masters, and Doctoral students and taught undergraduate research. His research has been funded by the prestigious National Research Foundation of South Africa, and he has been actively involved in various national research projects.

Prof. Alexander has played a crucial role as a collaborator in a DHET-EU VVOB-funded project and has led another DHET-EU-funded project as one of the principal investigators. He is also an academic and scientific/advisory board member of several leading organisations, including GISSF, OCERINT, New Horizons in Education, ECD, IETC, and Global Illuminators.

Overall, Professor Alexander's contributions to research and academia have significantly impacted the field of education. His broad range of expertise and extensive experience make him a highly confident and respected figure in his field.

Currently, he is a leading researcher in diverse schooling and teacher education, making significant contributions in South Africa and internationally. He has published numerous papers and facilitated workshops and seminars, notably in Southeast Asian countries.

He made his Service-Learning Initiative mandatory for Educational Psychology students to improve educational and socioeconomic outcomes for learners and designated communities. This demonstrated his unwavering commitment to creating a positive impact.

As Chairperson of the Internationalisation Committee, Alexander successfully championed the Memoranda of Understanding with three universities in Thailand. He also facilitated seminars on critical multicultural education, participatory research, service learning, and teacher education, showcasing his leadership skills and dedication to promoting international collaboration.

 He was the driving force behind developing the Advanced Diploma in Technical and Vocational Teaching, which received DHET approval. This exceptional programme has significantly influenced the professional skills of TVET lecturers in central South Africa, highlighting his commitment to making a meaningful difference.

Uploaded: 14 March 2024
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